Monday, December 5, 2011

Panto in pics

Well, for those who weren’t there (which is pretty much everyone) and those who were and are now eager for of how much fun it was, here are some pics.

Widow Wobbly discovers a giant talking rat in her house.

General Scurvy trumpets the arrival of the Rat King.

The Rat King tries to remember why he’s there.

The Rat King is not very pleased with the day’s scraps.

Muddles and the Mayor work on plans for the village festival.

Widow Wobbly tells the Mayor her brilliant idea.

That’s Amore (or what was left of it after the cuts).

Muddles recruits the Pied Piper to rid the village of the rats. (The evil Piper comes up with his own evil plan.)

Oh, no! The rats are captured and the Piper is now the Mayor. (Oh, no he isn’t. Oh, yes, he is!)

Rattles and Daisy to the rescue.

The Piper about to be foiled.

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. (Yes, that’s really what we’re all singing.)

Taking a bow.

Final cast photo for 2011.

See you next year.

1 comment:

  1. It was a fantastic show and the pics are great. I think that Rat #2 stole the show BTW...
